Complete venipuncture arm model 

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Complete venipuncture arm model




Main features:

■Complete venous access: You need veins, cephalic veins, finger veins, you need median veins, accessory cephalic veins, forearm median veins, median cephalic veins, median cubital veins, and thumb veins.

■Provide complete intravenous infusion treatment, venous access for phlebotomy, intramuscular injection and intradermal injection location. This venous system has only one blood bag, which can provide simulated blood to all veins at the same time. Intramuscular injection can be performed in the deltoid muscle and intradermal injection site of the upper arm. The soft and realistic skin and natural bony marks in this area are more conducive to intramuscular injection. Using distilled water for intradermal injection, a peculiar skin patch appears at the designated position on the upper arm.

■The wrist can be bent, which can help students contact Tuina skills. The skin can be replaced. There is a clear sense of frustration during venipuncture.

■The simulated blood vessel and skin can be completely replaced, and the replaced training model can continue to be used for operation training. Under normal use, hundreds of injections can be performed at the same site.