Fully functional venipuncture training model 

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Fully functional venipuncture training model




Product introduction:

The simulated standardized patient takes the supine position, the shoulder pillow is extended, the head is lowered and turned to the left, the texture is soft, the touch is real, and the appearance is lifelike;

Accurate anatomical position: the clavicle, sternum end of the clavicle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, suprasternal fossa, umbilicus, groin, inguinal ligament and other body surface signs can be clearly sensed;

Electronic simulation of carotid artery and femoral artery pulse; internal jugular vein puncture training, subclavian vein puncture training, external vein puncture training, and bone venous puncture training are available. If the puncture feels unsuccessful, simulated venous blood can be drawn; cardiac floating catheter operation is possible train.


Note: The skin and simulated spinal cord cavity can be replaced, and supplies are provided.